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Psalms 77:20 You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

I would think that the Hebrews after being away from the land that God promised Abraham and his descendants for over 400 years, they would have been happy to follow the Lord back home. I would think that the constant visual sign of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night would ease their anxiousness knowing that it was God that was leading them. All they had to do was to enjoy each day and be obedient to the Lord. The Lord was supplying their food in the quail and manna and water enough to quench the thirst for over a million people from a rock. Yet, even though the Lord was leading them like he was their shepherd, they resented the Lord and they were in continual rebellion from him. I believe that much of the problem was that they still saw Moses as the esource doing magic. They felt they were still slaves, but this time under Moses. They wanted to do whatever they wanted.

The Hebrew people have never seemed to change even to this day. They have lived up to their name Israel. Israel means to struggle with God. Even though they were in constant rebellion from the Lord, God continued to lead them until they rejected him for a king like the other nations. Now instead of God leading them they had a man, and it was never the same. We can not expect to reject God and expect his blessings. When Jacob wrestled with the Lord, the Lord let him win. It was at that time God changed Jacob's name to israel. Jacob won and lost all at the same time. He won his independence from God, but lost God’s loving shepherding. Even today the Jews continue to reject God’s only begotten Son Jesus Christ the true Good Shepherd, and are experiencing fear and frustration.

John 10:1-18 tells us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. His flock is not just Jews but all people. John 1:1-4 tells us that Jesus is God and that he created all thing for him. Hebrews 1:3 tells us that he sustains all thing. Nothing could exist without the help of Jesus. But while this is true, Jesus does respect our free will and he will let us reject his love, provision, guidance, protection and so much more. Jesus’ shepherding us comes with a condition, and this is we must want it and surrender to it. If Jesus is to be our shepherd then we must obey him. We can’t have it both ways. We can’t do our own thing and then the next minute wonder why he is not there to help us when we snap our fingers. We must act like sheep if we want a shepherd.

Jesus tells us that he is the gate that we must go through. No one can come to the Heavenly Father except through Jesus. If we trust in him to bring us forgiveness and reconciliation with God then we must obey him. Then Jesus will shepherd us in ways of blessing and eternal life with him in heaven

Are you following Jesus, or doing your own thing? If you want Jesus to be your Good Shepherd, then you must follow, follow, follow. The choice is yours alone. Jesus wants to help you, but you must follow.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you that you are the Good Shepherd. We have nothing to fear when we are in your arms. Please help us to always stay there. We ask this in your holy name.

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