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Psalms 78:1-4 O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden from old - things we have heard and known, things our fathers have old us. We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deed of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.

Well, guess who Asaph must have been talking about? If you know much about the Bible it is obvious that he was describing Jesus, yet Asaph lived hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth. The reason he could do this is God’s anointing on him. God put it on his heart what to write, and as strange as it may have been to him, he wrote it down as the Lord inspired him. For me this is just another reason to believe in the Bible as trustworthy insight as well as history. It is not a matter of luck or imagination of the writer. No one could come up with such insight and prophecy about spiritual matters and have them come true. People can deny that there is a God, and that the Bible is just a book written by men. But for those that study the Bible there can be no other conclusion that it is inspired by God and not man. And since this is the case we should respect, fear and obey it. Not to do this shows foolishness and arrogance. The result can only be punishment from God.

Jesus gave many convincing proofs of his divinity as he went about his three year ministry on earth. He healed people that were born blind, people that had incurable leprosy, cast out demons and even raised the dead. But even greater proof came through his own resurrection. There was no doubt to his death as some might like to think. For one thing the Roman soldiers never left a person on the cross until they knew for sure that they were dead. To risk not doing this they could have been crucified themselves. No dedicated soldier would betray his duty for the life of a person that committed a terrible crime. Crucifixion was reserved or people that caused rebellion from Rome or had committed a great crime. It was a terrible way to die and the torture of it could last for days. It usually ended when a person was so exhausted that they could no longer push themselves up to breath. Thus they ended up killing themselves.

In the case of the criminals beside Jesus they broke their legs so they could no longer push themselves up to breathe. Because Jesus had already died a soldier drove a spear up into his heart. This is why the blood and water that was around his heart came out. Following his death, he proved his resurrection and victory over sin and death by appearing over 40 days on earth. Once he appeared to over 500 people at one time. For any person of common since there is more than enough evidence that through prophecy, miracles and his resurrection that Jesus was indeed the Son of God just as he said. But as there were then, there are now plenty of doubters. This is why Jesus spoke in parables. He spoke in parables, not so they would understand, but so those that didn’t want to believe wouldn’t. Jesus explains this in Matthew 13:10-15. It says, “The disciples came to him and asked, ‘Why do you speak to the people in parables?’ He replied, ‘The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.’” (I believe that this is God’s prevenient grace. When people reject the Holy Spirit’s call on their heart to repent of their sinfulness and become a Christian, the Holy Spirit will stop trying to help them. By doing this a person has committed the unforgivable sin in rejecting Jesus’ forgiveness.) This is the result of a person hardening their heart towards Jesus is as we see in verse 15. The consequence of them doing this is they may have eyes, but do not see the things of God. While they have ears, they will not understand the spiritual things they have heard. Salvation comes only to those that want it. Because of our free will God will not even save us from eternity in hell if we don’t want to be saved. What Asaph wrote that day so long ago is still true today, because God has made it come to pass. The proof is there for anyone that wants to believe.

Do you believe that forgiveness of sins and eternal life in heaven comes only through Jesus Christ? If not you will have no one to blame for spending eternity in hell but yourself! I am sure you have known some pretty stubborn people as I have. Are you one?

Prayer: Lord, thank you for you undeniable proof in who you are, and what you accomplished on Calvary’s cross. Thank you for helping us to understand and believe, so we could be forgiven and reconciled to you. We love you Jesus! Thank you Holy Spirit for your patience in helping us to be a lover and follower of Jesus.

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