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Psalms 86:15 But you, O Lord, are compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in love and faithfulness.

It is impossible for us to know or understand all that makes up God. Even our best minds in science and the medical fields admit that they don’t know everything that makes up a person. They have come a long ways since they put leeches on someone to suck out the sickness, or to put garlic in a bag around a person's neck. I was watching a National Geographic program on TV about humanity’s DNA the other night, and it was amazing! For my pea brain I got overwhelmed in about five minutes. But even for our very elite in the field, they too are overwhelmed. Even they have to admit that we are fearfully and wonderfully made us as it tells us in Psalms 139:14. I think the whole thought that creation came from some amino acid in a pool of water, and on its own began to randomly form DNA into such complex patterns that all sorts of very complex life forms came into being is more than silly. I believe that even logic tells us that for such complex creation there needs to be a creator with a purposeful design. So if we can’t begin to understand ourselves how can we understand God? The obvious answer is we can’t. But God can reveal himself to us. God has been doing this since Adam and Eve. God would walk and talk with them in the garden, and has continued to reveal himself to people and through prophetic word down through the ages. Then too, he sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ who is the exact representation of God himself. When we see Jesus we see God the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. God is unchanging in his character or nature. God will change his mind about things as we see he didn’t punish Nineveh after they repented of their sinfulness. But God will never change from being loving to being hateful, or holy to being evil. If we think of it like our own DNA, God’s has his own makeup as well. Granted our free will can allow us to do things that are contrary to our makeup, but our DNA isn’t controlled by our free will. Just because we think we would like to be six foot tall and we are five foot seven, doesn’t mean that we can make our body do something contrary to that DNA. Some people may have sex changes, but their DNA has not changed. They have just surgically altered their body.

Where I am going with all of this is while we can’t know everything that makes up God, we do know he is wonderful. God is perfect and wonderful in his love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. He is righteous and holy. His desire is only for good, and the list can go on and on. God is a good God. And while we are just his creation and far from his infinite being, he still loves us and cares for us.

Where are you at in your relationship with him? Since he is the most wonderful aspect about all creation, is your relationship with him your greatest priority? He tells us that if we draw close to him he will draw close to us. He is standing at the door of your heart today. Will you open your heart that he might come in? He is only a prayer away if you only ask.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for revealing yourself to us. The more we read in the Bible about you and the more we fellowship with you, the more we love and appreciate you. You are a wonderful God. Yes, you are! Yes, you are!

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