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Job 19:25 I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.

Many believe that Job possibly lived somewhere after the flood (Job 22:16) to the time of Moses due to some of the practices of men of their time period. (Job 1:5 & Job 42:15) Anyway we look at it, to know of Jesus coming at the end of times and to stand on the earth can not be overlooked as anything but God’s inspiration. Because of this and so many other prophecies from God that have already come true, we should also take this prophecy very seriously especially since Jesus talks about it himself.

God wants us to have reason for our beliefs. God is not asking us to simply say as some do, “I believe because I believe, because I believe, because I believe! Faith is putting into action what we believe, and not just what we want to believe. This is why studying the Bible as a lifelong discipline is crucial for the Christian, so we will not become deceived. To believe a lie no matter how sincere we may be is still a lie, and God is not obligated to do what he has not promised.

God also wants us to have assurance in our beliefs as well. This is another reason why he will confirm his prophecies through several ways. He will use past examples of similar situations with like prophecy. He will confirm his prophecy through several prophets and sometimes over different periods of time. He will confirm his prophecies with signs and miracles too.

In the end it is up to the individual Christian to be prepared to verify the prophecy. So we need to know what the prophecy says, and then look for it with expectation. Jesus said in Luke 19:41,42, “As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, ‘If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes.’” The religious leaders and the people in general did not see Jesus as the Son of God that would take away the sins of the world even though God had promised Abraham that through him he would bless the earth (Gen 12:3), and through Daniel he would finish transgression, atone for wickedness, bring in everlasting life, seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. (Dan 9:24-27)

Then to further show how God’s prophecy can be ignored all we have to do is look to Jesus prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, and to this day the Jews still do not see how the destruction of it in 70 AD should cause them to believe in Jesus. They like so many have eyes but do not see, and ears but do not hear. The reason is many have hardened their hearts towards God’s word and others simply do not know of it.

If people do not recognize the return of Jesus and most will not, it will not be because God has not given them reason to believe. Job believed in his day, and he did not have the prophecy we have today as well as to have known of Jesus first coming.

Isa 66:7,8 the birth of Israel in one day

Matt 24:1-35 Jesus give a list of things that will give sign to his return to earth when he will rule for 1,000 years. While many say that they are common in creation some certainly are not.

Zechariah 14 have some prophecies that are certainly not common. Some of these are:All nations will gather to Jerusalem to fight against it. As the Lord stands on the Mount of Olives it will split in two from the east to the west with half going to moving north and the other half going south. There will be a great earthquake in Jerusalem. The Lord will come with holy ones with him. There will be a unique day without daytime or nighttime. When evening comes it will be light. Living water will flow out from Jerusalem half to the eastern sea (Dead Sea), and half to the western sea (Mediterranean) in the summer and winter. The Lord will rule over the whole earth. The whole land from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, will become like the Arabah. Jerusalem will be raised up and remain in its place, but it will be inhabited; never again will it be destroyed. Jerusalem will be secure. A plague will strike the nations that attack Jerusalem, and their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet.

Revelation chapters 6-19

144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each tribe (7:1-8) will make a stand for the Lord.

1/3rd of the earth is burned

1/3rd of sea creatures die as sea turns red. A huge mountain falls into the sea, and /3rd of ships are destroyed.

Blazing torch fell from the sky to turn water bitter and many people die. 1/3 rd of the sun, moon and star light does not shine. Something tortures humanity without God’s seal on them (Holy Spirit) for 5 months. The Euphrates River is stopped for a great army. 1/3rd of mankind is killed by three plagues. Two witnesses for the Lord will frustrate the world for 42 month. They will be killed and their bodies will remain in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 1/2 days. People will give presents to celebrate their deaths. At the end of 3 1/2 days they will come to life, and they will go up to heaven in a cloud while their enemies will look on.

I believe Rev 11:19 points to the finding of the ark of the covenant. This will bring a demand for the 3rd temple to be built.

There will come to power a leader that will unite many countries. (I personally believe that this will be a leader of the Arab nations to unify the old Ottoman Empire that will persecute Christians living in their countries much like Turkey did with their genocide of 6,300,000 Christian Armenians killed and 50 million more forced to move. I even see Istanbul as the city built on 7 hills with a port as possibly being the one in Rev 17:9 that is destroyed in one hour Rev 18:9-20. This person is commonly called the antichrist due to his persecution of Christians. He will also have a false prophet that will be able to call down fire from heaven.

The antichrist will force a mark to be placed on the forehead or back of the right hand as a means to buy or sell. It’s leader’s mark will be 666. There will be a great event that brings death to Christians and non-christians (the Great Harvest or possibly the rapture - taking Christians up to heaven) that angels bring about. I believe because they both take place about the same time most will not associate it with the rapture. Also about 3 ½ years into the 7 years before Jesus returns the 3rd Temple for the Jews will be built. I believe that this is because the Ark of the Covenant will be found. Then the antichrist will defile the temple.

(Dan 9:27)

Once again plagues will break out on earth. Painful sores will break out on people that have the mark of the antichrist. Sea and fresh water will turn to blood. The sun will become stronger. Euphrates will dry up. A great earthquake takes place and Jerusalem splits into three parts. One hundred pound comes on earth. (I believe that some of this is a review of what we saw happen in preceding chapters) The reason I can say this is the seals of the scroll tend to overlap. The last signs are less revealing, and it basically happens to the antichrist and the nations he leads. There will be a great increase in knowledge. (Dan 12:4) The Good News will be proclaimed throughout the world. (Matt 24:4) This we have seen with Christian satellite broadcasting. The last great sign we see in Acts 1:11. This is where Jesus will come down from the clouds to stand on the Mount of Olives. There are other prophecies that I will not mention, but you can Google them.

We will never know if Job looked each day for the Lord to come and stand on the earth, or to see him with his own eyes. We can only be accountable for at the very least ourself. We can tell others as I have told you today, but we can’t put in their heart for the passion to see the prophecies being fulfilled. I do know that Jesus gives us the warning in Matt 25:1-13 about some Christians that were not ready.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please put in our heart the passion to see prophecy being fulfilled, so we will not be found with regret! We ask this in Jesus name.

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